Welcome to CapnStoker.net
The bike pictured at the Teapot Dome Gas Station historical site is our Longbikes Gulfstream, purchased in 2006. It has been replaced by a RANS Dynamik Duo tandem (image at right). When not tandeming, we each ride our own TourEasy's.
We started our tandem career on a Counterpoint Opus, followed by an ill-fated experiment with a EZ2. The Gulfstream was the hoped-for solution, since it duplicated our single recumbent posture, but it was heavy and squirrelly.
The links below are sites which inspire the kind of bike travel we like. They also provide useful info for both novice and experienced 2-wheel travelers.
Ellie and John ready to escort the Biking Viking on the next leg of his journey around the U.S.